Devils vs Barracuda
Created - Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 06:56
Devils |
2 |
2 |
0 |
4 |
Barracuda |
3 |
0 |
0 |
3 |
Devils |
7 |
10 |
4 |
21 |
Barracuda |
6 |
11 |
4 |
21 |
1st period
1. Barracuda , Kyle Criscuolo 15 (Oskar Olausson 16, Sam Malinski 32) at 4:53
2. Barracuda , Matt Martin 8 (Nicolas Petan 16, David Gustafsson 18) at 5:00
3. Devils , Bobby Brink 23 (Calen Addison 36, Sebastian AhoD 21) at 8:00
4. Devils , Arshdeep Bains 22 (Calen Addison 37, Sebastian AhoD 22) at 10:32 (PP)
5. Barracuda , Oskar Olausson 10 (Carsen Twarynski 7, Ben Hutton 25) at 14:12
Penalties :
Ben Hutton (SJB) for High sticking (Minor) at 0:17, Sam Malinski (SJB) for Delaying the game (Minor) at 10:07, Ryan Schmelzer (SJB) for Roughing (Minor) at 11:16, Alex Limoges (BIN) for Tripping (Minor) at 14:24, Gavin Bayreuther (SJB) for Roughing (Minor) at 17:02, Calen Addison (BIN) for Hooking (Minor) at 18:43
2nd period
6. Devils , Matt Luff 20 (Adam Erne 18, Cole Schwindt 13) at 11:13
7. Devils , Sebastian AhoD 10 (Arshdeep Bains 21, Bobby Brink 20) at 14:36
Penalties :
Ben Hutton (SJB) for Tripping (Minor) at 1:50, Kevin Connauton (SJB) for Roughing (Minor) at 2:11, Arshdeep Bains (BIN) for Slashing (Minor) at 5:56, Gavin Bayreuther (SJB) for Slashing (Minor) at 17:33
3rd period
No Goal
Penalties :
Mark Kastelic (BIN) for Delaying the game (Minor) at 0:24, Arshdeep Bains (BIN) for Hooking (Minor) at 5:15, Connor Carrick (BIN) for Slashing (Minor) at 6:15, Kevin Connauton (SJB) for Fighting (Major) at 8:14, Mark Kastelic (BIN) for Fighting (Major) at 8:14, Mark Friedman (SJB) for High sticking (Minor) at 15:24, Nick DeSimone (BIN) for Hooking (Minor) at 17:45
Goalie Stats
Joel Blomqvist (BIN), 18 saves from 21 shots - (0.857), W, 25-15-3, 60:00 minutes
Arturs Silovs (SJB), 17 saves from 21 shots - (0.810), L, 23-22-3, 59:05 minutes
Players Stats for Devils
Player Name G A P +/- PIM S H SB GA TA FO MP PP MP PK MP
Adam Erne 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0/2 19:04 5:35 5:30
Alex Limoges 0 0 0 1 2 3 0 0 0 0 11/22 20:50 5:45 4:11
Arshdeep Bains 1 1 2 1 4 1 4 1 0 0 0/0 20:35 6:04 3:38
Bobby Brink 1 1 2 1 0 2 2 0 0 0 1/2 11:08 0:11 0:00
Calen Addison 0 2 2 2 2 3 1 6 0 0 0/0 23:25 6:41 5:37
Christian Wolanin 0 0 0 -2 0 1 1 3 0 0 0/0 22:23 5:29 5:46
Cole Schwindt 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 4/14 18:44 5:56 4:29
Connor Carrick 0 0 0 -2 2 0 4 2 0 0 0/0 21:51 5:40 5:03
Jakob Pelletier 0 0 0 -1 0 2 1 0 0 0 1/1 14:54 6:02 0:17
Jimmy Huntington 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1/3 7:13 0:00 0:00
Kale Clague 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/0 14:22 0:00 1:35
Mark Kastelic 0 0 0 -1 7 0 1 0 0 0 7/20 16:55 5:47 4:44
Matt Luff 1 0 1 0 0 3 2 0 0 0 0/0 14:56 0:00 0:00
Nathan Smith 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0/0 2:12 0:00 1:23
Nick DeSimone 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 0/0 13:54 0:11 0:42
Sebastian AhoD 1 2 3 2 0 1 0 3 0 0 0/0 24:02 6:42 6:28
William Lockwood 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1/2 3:43 1:46 0:00
Zach Aston-Reese 0 0 0 -1 0 2 1 1 0 0 0/0 15:48 0:00 0:00
Players Stats for Barracuda
Player Name G A P +/- PIM S H SB GA TA FO MP PP MP PK MP
Ben Hutton 0 1 1 -1 4 1 1 0 0 0 0/0 21:47 7:27 2:20
Carsen Twarynski 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/0 11:49 0:00 0:13
David Gustafsson 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1/3 19:43 6:22 3:18
Dominik Shine 0 0 0 0 0 3 1 0 0 0 0/1 16:05 6:02 0:38
Gavin Bayreuther 0 0 0 0 4 0 2 1 0 0 0/0 15:11 0:00 3:09
Jon-Randall Avon 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1/1 3:26 0:46 0:00
Kevin Connauton 0 0 0 1 7 2 0 0 0 0 0/0 20:14 5:08 5:11
Kyle Criscuolo 1 0 1 -1 0 2 0 0 0 0 10/16 21:41 6:34 5:06
Louis Belpedio 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 0 0 0/0 22:15 5:04 6:32
Mark Friedman 0 0 0 1 2 0 2 1 0 0 0/0 14:58 1:06 1:23
Matt Martin 1 0 1 0 0 4 2 1 0 0 0/0 10:03 0:00 0:00
Matthew Wedman 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/0 0:00 0:00 0:00
Mike Hardman 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 6/10 20:26 5:28 6:21
Nicolas Petan 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 8/11 21:57 6:34 1:21
Oskar Olausson 1 1 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0/3 14:47 0:00 3:11
Ryan Schmelzer 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 11/17 21:49 6:02 2:43
Sam Malinski 0 1 1 -1 2 3 1 1 0 0 0/0 22:52 6:26 5:30
Tyler Angle 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3/4 6:30 0:00 0:53
3 Stars
1 - Sebastian AhoD (BIN)
2 - Bobby Brink (BIN)
3 - Calen Addison (BIN)
Power Play
Devils - 1 on 8 Attempt(s) - 12.50%
Barracuda - 0 on 7 Attempt(s) - 0.00%
Penalty Kill
Devils - 7 on 7 Attempt(s) - 100.00%
- Score 0 goal in Penalty Kill
Barracuda - 7 on 8 Attempt(s) - 87.50%
- Score 0 goal in Penalty Kill
Team Stat
Devils - Hits : 23 - Faceoff Wins : 26 - Blocked Shots : 16 - Penalty Minutes : 19
Barracuda - Hits : 11 - Faceoff Wins : 40 - Blocked Shots : 7 - Penalty Minutes : 21
Referees : Frederick L'Ecuyer and Jean Hebert
Linesman : Mitchell Hunt and Kyle Flemington
Game Notes
Mark Kastelic beats up Kevin Connauton at 8:14 of 3rd period
Level 1 -- Attendance: 1779 (88.95%) -- Ticket Income $62,265
Level 2 -- Attendance: 964 (96.40%) -- Ticket Income $14,460
Total Attendance: 2743 (91.43%)
Total Ticket Income: $76,725
Other Income: $37,595
Total Income: $114,320
5 vs 5 Forward
Center Left Wing Right Wing Time % Phy DF OF
1 Alex Limoges Arshdeep Bains Bobby Brink 25 1 2 2
2 Mark Kastelic Jakob Pelletier Zach Aston-Reese 25 1 2 2
3 Cole Schwindt Matt Luff Adam Erne 25 1 2 2
4 Jimmy Huntington Zach Aston-Reese Matt Luff 25 1 2 2
5 vs 5 Defense
Defense Defense Time % Phy DF OF
1 Calen Addison Sebastian AhoD 25 1 2 2
2 Connor Carrick Christian Wolanin 25 1 2 2
3 Nick DeSimone Kale Clague 25 1 2 2
4 Sebastian AhoD Calen Addison 25 1 2 2
PowerPlay Forward
Center Left Wing Right Wing Time % Phy DF OF
1 Alex Limoges Arshdeep Bains Cole Schwindt 60 1 2 2
2 Mark Kastelic Jakob Pelletier Adam Erne 40 1 2 2
PowerPlay Defense
Defense Defense Time % Phy DF OF
1 Calen Addison Sebastian AhoD 60 1 2 2
2 Connor Carrick Christian Wolanin 40 1 2 2
Penalty Kill 4 Players Forward
Center Wing Time % Phy DF OF
1 Mark Kastelic Adam Erne 60 1 2 2
2 Alex Limoges Arshdeep Bains 40 1 2 2
Penalty Kill 4 Players Defense
Defense Defense Time % Phy DF OF
1 Calen Addison Sebastian AhoD 60 1 2 2
2 Connor Carrick Christian Wolanin 40 1 2 2
Penalty Kill - 3 Players Forward
Forward Time % Phy DF OF
1 Alex Limoges 60 1 2 2
2 Arshdeep Bains 40 1 2 2
Penalty Kill - 3 Players Defense
Defense Defense Time % Phy DF OF
1 Calen Addison Sebastian AhoD 60 1 2 2
2 Connor Carrick Christian Wolanin 40 1 2 2
4 vs 4 Forward
Center Wing Time % Phy DF OF
1 Adam Erne Mark Kastelic 60 1 2 2
2 Alex Limoges Arshdeep Bains 40 1 2 2
4 vs 4 Defense
Defense Defense Time % Phy DF OF
1 Calen Addison Sebastian AhoD 60 1 2 2
2 Connor Carrick Christian Wolanin 40 1 2 2
Last Minutes Offensive
Center Left Wing Right Wing Defense Defense
Alex Limoges Arshdeep Bains Bobby Brink Calen Addison Sebastian AhoD
Last Minutes Defensive
Center Left Wing Right Wing Defense Defense
Alex Limoges Arshdeep Bains Bobby Brink Calen Addison Sebastian AhoD
Starting : Joel Blomqvist
Backup : Michael DiPietro
Extra Forwards
Normal : William Lockwood, Adam Erne, Cole Schwindt - PP : William Lockwood, Adam Erne - PK : Cole Schwindt
Extra Defensemen
Normal : Nick DeSimone, Kale Clague, Sebastian AhoD - PP : Nick DeSimone - PK : Kale Clague, Calen Addison
Penalty Shots
Cole Schwindt, Adam Erne, Alex Limoges, Arshdeep Bains, Mark Kastelic
Custom OT Lines Forwards
Bobby Brink, William Lockwood, Alex Limoges, Arshdeep Bains, Mark Kastelic, Adam Erne, Matt Luff, Jakob Pelletier, Cole Schwindt, Jimmy Huntington
Custom OT Lines Defensemen
Calen Addison, Sebastian AhoD, Connor Carrick, Christian Wolanin, Nick DeSimone
Mitchell Hoelscher (Healthy), Riley Damiani (Healthy), Hardy Haman Aktell (Healthy), Akito Hirose (Healthy), Ondrej Pavel (Healthy)
Ryan McGregor (Healthy), Jagger Joshua (Healthy), Aidan McDonough (Healthy), Greg Meireles (Healthy), Mathias Laferriere (Healthy)
Erik Kallgren (Healthy)
5 vs 5 Forward
Center Left Wing Right Wing Time % Phy DF OF
1 Nicolas Petan David Gustafsson Matt Martin 25 1 2 2
2 Ryan Schmelzer Mike Hardman Dominik Shine 25 1 2 2
3 Kyle Criscuolo Carsen Twarynski Oskar Olausson 25 1 2 2
4 Tyler Angle Ryan Schmelzer Nicolas Petan 25 1 2 2
5 vs 5 Defense
Defense Defense Time % Phy DF OF
1 Ben Hutton Sam Malinski 25 1 2 2
2 Louis Belpedio Kevin Connauton 25 1 2 2
3 Mark Friedman Gavin Bayreuther 25 1 2 2
4 Ben Hutton Sam Malinski 25 1 2 2
PowerPlay Forward
Center Left Wing Right Wing Time % Phy DF OF
1 Kyle Criscuolo David Gustafsson Nicolas Petan 60 1 2 2
2 Ryan Schmelzer Mike Hardman Dominik Shine 40 1 2 2
PowerPlay Defense
Defense Defense Time % Phy DF OF
1 Ben Hutton Sam Malinski 60 1 2 2
2 Louis Belpedio Kevin Connauton 40 1 2 2
Penalty Kill 4 Players Forward
Center Wing Time % Phy DF OF
1 Mike Hardman Kyle Criscuolo 60 1 2 2
2 Ryan Schmelzer David Gustafsson 40 1 2 2
Penalty Kill 4 Players Defense
Defense Defense Time % Phy DF OF
1 Ben Hutton Sam Malinski 60 1 2 2
2 Louis Belpedio Kevin Connauton 40 1 2 2
Penalty Kill - 3 Players Forward
Forward Time % Phy DF OF
1 David Gustafsson 60 1 2 2
2 Ryan Schmelzer 40 1 2 2
Penalty Kill - 3 Players Defense
Defense Defense Time % Phy DF OF
1 Ben Hutton Sam Malinski 60 1 2 2
2 Louis Belpedio Kevin Connauton 40 1 2 2
4 vs 4 Forward
Center Wing Time % Phy DF OF
1 Kyle Criscuolo Mike Hardman 60 1 2 2
2 Ryan Schmelzer David Gustafsson 40 1 2 2
4 vs 4 Defense
Defense Defense Time % Phy DF OF
1 Ben Hutton Sam Malinski 60 1 2 2
2 Louis Belpedio Kevin Connauton 40 1 2 2
Last Minutes Offensive
Center Left Wing Right Wing Defense Defense
Nicolas Petan David Gustafsson Matt Martin Ben Hutton Sam Malinski
Last Minutes Defensive
Center Left Wing Right Wing Defense Defense
Nicolas Petan David Gustafsson Matt Martin Ben Hutton Sam Malinski
Starting : Arturs Silovs
Backup : Zane McIntyre
Extra Forwards
Normal : Jon-Randall Avon, Kyle Criscuolo, Oskar Olausson - PP : Jon-Randall Avon, Kyle Criscuolo - PK : Oskar Olausson
Extra Defensemen
Normal : Mark Friedman, Gavin Bayreuther, Louis Belpedio - PP : Mark Friedman - PK : Gavin Bayreuther, Louis Belpedio
Penalty Shots
Oskar Olausson, Kyle Criscuolo, Ryan Schmelzer, David Gustafsson, Mike Hardman
Custom OT Lines Forwards
Matt Martin, Nicolas Petan, Ryan Schmelzer, David Gustafsson, Mike Hardman, Kyle Criscuolo, Dominik Shine, Oskar Olausson, Tyler Angle, Carsen Twarynski
Custom OT Lines Defensemen
Ben Hutton, Sam Malinski, Louis Belpedio, Kevin Connauton, Mark Friedman
Farm Goalie 49 (Healthy)
% Time on Ice - Devils
Lines # - Real PCT - Wanted PCT - Time Play
Normal Forward
1 - 31% - 25% - 10:42
2 - 25% - 25% - 8:35
3 - 23% - 25% - 7:59
4 - 21% - 25% - 7:13
Normal Defense
1 - 16% - 25% - 5:31
2 - 31% - 25% - 10:50
3 - 37% - 25% - 12:47
4 - 16% - 25% - 5:21
PP Forward
1 - 49% - 60% - 6:07
2 - 51% - 40% - 6:15
PP Defense
1 - 54% - 60% - 6:42
2 - 46% - 40% - 5:40
PK Forward
1 - 68% - 60% - 7:53
2 - 32% - 40% - 3:44
PK Defense
1 - 51% - 60% - 5:55
2 - 49% - 40% - 5:42
PK3 Forward
1 - 51% - 60% - 0:30
2 - 49% - 40% - 0:29
PK3 Defense
1 - 51% - 60% - 0:30
2 - 49% - 40% - 0:29
44 Forward
1 - 28% - 60% - 0:05
2 - 72% - 40% - 0:13
44 Defense
1 - 0% - 60% - 0:00
2 - 100% - 40% - 0:18
Last Minute Offensive - 0:00
Last Minute Defensive - 0:15
Forward - 60:00
Defense - 60:00
% Time on Ice - Barracuda
Lines # - Real PCT - Wanted PCT - Time Play
Normal Forward
1 - 28% - 25% - 9:48
2 - 24% - 25% - 8:19
3 - 34% - 25% - 11:36
4 - 14% - 25% - 4:46
Normal Defense
1 - 13% - 25% - 4:39
2 - 36% - 25% - 12:25
3 - 36% - 25% - 12:30
4 - 14% - 25% - 4:55
PP Forward
1 - 52% - 60% - 6:34
2 - 48% - 40% - 6:02
PP Defense
1 - 59% - 60% - 7:27
2 - 41% - 40% - 5:09
PK Forward
1 - 74% - 60% - 7:56
2 - 26% - 40% - 2:48
PK Defense
1 - 54% - 60% - 5:45
2 - 46% - 40% - 4:59
PK3 Forward
1 - 59% - 60% - 0:58
2 - 41% - 40% - 0:40
PK3 Defense
1 - 41% - 60% - 0:40
2 - 59% - 40% - 0:58
44 Forward
1 - 100% - 60% - 0:18
2 - 0% - 40% - 0:00
44 Defense
1 - 100% - 60% - 0:18
2 - 0% - 40% - 0:00
Last Minute Offensive - 0:15
Last Minute Defensive - 0:00
Forward - 60:00
Defense - 60:00
1st period
0:01 of 1st period - Alex Limoges wins face-off versus Nicolas Petan in neutral zone.
0:08 of 1st period - Shot by Arshdeep Bains.
0:08 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
0:10 of 1st period - Shot by Arshdeep Bains.
0:10 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
0:12 of 1st period - Shot by Bobby Brink.
0:12 of 1st period - Stopped by Arturs Silovs with a rebound.
0:14 of 1st period - Shot by Calen Addison.
0:14 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
0:17 of 1st period - Minor Penalty to Ben Hutton for High sticking.
0:18 of 1st period - Mark Kastelic wins face-off versus Mike Hardman in Barracuda zone.
0:25 of 1st period - Shot by Jakob Pelletier.
0:25 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
0:39 of 1st period - Shot by David Gustafsson.
0:39 of 1st period - Stopped by Joel Blomqvist with a rebound.
3:40 of 1st period - Shot by Matt Martin.
3:40 of 1st period - Shot Blocked by Sebastian AhoD.
4:51 of 1st period - Shot by Kyle Criscuolo.
4:51 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
4:53 of 1st period - Shot by Kyle Criscuolo.
4:53 of 1st period - Goal by Kyle Criscuolo - Devils : 0 - Barracuda : 1.
4:54 of 1st period - David Gustafsson wins face-off versus Cole Schwindt in neutral zone.
4:54 of 1st period - David Gustafsson is hit by Matt Luff.
5:00 of 1st period - Shot by Matt Martin.
5:00 of 1st period - Goal by Matt Martin - Devils : 0 - Barracuda : 2.
5:01 of 1st period - Cole Schwindt wins face-off versus Kyle Criscuolo in neutral zone.
5:28 of 1st period - Shot by Carsen Twarynski.
5:28 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
5:31 of 1st period - Icing by Kale Clague.
5:32 of 1st period - Nicolas Petan wins face-off versus Cole Schwindt in Devils zone.
5:55 of 1st period - Shot by Nicolas Petan.
5:55 of 1st period - Shot Blocked by Sebastian AhoD.
5:57 of 1st period - Shot by Kevin Connauton.
5:57 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
8:00 of 1st period - Shot by Bobby Brink.
8:00 of 1st period - Goal by Bobby Brink - Devils : 1 - Barracuda : 2.
8:01 of 1st period - Nicolas Petan wins face-off versus Cole Schwindt in neutral zone.
8:12 of 1st period - Shot by Nicolas Petan.
8:12 of 1st period - Shot Blocked by Connor Carrick.
8:40 of 1st period - Nicolas Petan is hit by Bobby Brink and loses puck.
9:24 of 1st period - Kyle Criscuolo is hit by Nick DeSimone and loses puck.
10:07 of 1st period - Minor Penalty to Sam Malinski for Delaying the game.
10:08 of 1st period - Alex Limoges wins face-off versus Mike Hardman in Barracuda zone.
10:22 of 1st period - Shot by Calen Addison.
10:22 of 1st period - Stopped by Arturs Silovs with a rebound.
10:24 of 1st period - Shot by Alex Limoges.
10:24 of 1st period - Stopped by Arturs Silovs with a rebound.
10:32 of 1st period - Shot by Arshdeep Bains.
10:32 of 1st period - Goal by Arshdeep Bains - Devils : 2 - Barracuda : 2.
10:33 of 1st period - Ryan Schmelzer wins face-off versus Cole Schwindt in neutral zone.
10:54 of 1st period - Adam Erne is hit by Gavin Bayreuther and loses puck.
11:01 of 1st period - Shot by Ryan Schmelzer.
11:01 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
11:03 of 1st period - Shot by Ryan Schmelzer.
11:03 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
11:16 of 1st period - Minor Penalty to Ryan Schmelzer for Roughing.
11:17 of 1st period - William Lockwood wins face-off versus Oskar Olausson in Barracuda zone.
11:18 of 1st period - Shot by Calen Addison.
11:18 of 1st period - Stopped by Arturs Silovs without a rebound.
11:19 of 1st period - Mark Kastelic wins face-off versus Oskar Olausson in Barracuda zone.
12:06 of 1st period - Shot by Connor Carrick.
12:06 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
12:38 of 1st period - Sam Malinski is hit by William Lockwood and loses puck.
13:42 of 1st period - Shot by Ryan Schmelzer.
13:42 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
13:44 of 1st period - Shot by Tyler Angle.
13:44 of 1st period - Deflect By Nicolas Petan.
13:44 of 1st period - Shot Blocked by Zach Aston-Reese.
14:05 of 1st period - Oskar Olausson is hit by Connor Carrick and loses puck.
14:12 of 1st period - Shot by Oskar Olausson.
14:12 of 1st period - Goal by Oskar Olausson - Devils : 2 - Barracuda : 3.
14:13 of 1st period - Nicolas Petan wins face-off versus Alex Limoges in neutral zone.
14:24 of 1st period - Minor Penalty to Alex Limoges for Tripping.
14:25 of 1st period - Ryan Schmelzer wins face-off versus Mark Kastelic in Devils zone.
14:26 of 1st period - Shot by Kevin Connauton.
14:26 of 1st period - Stopped by Joel Blomqvist without a rebound.
14:27 of 1st period - Mike Hardman wins face-off versus Mark Kastelic in Devils zone.
14:42 of 1st period - Shot by Kevin Connauton.
14:42 of 1st period - Stopped by Joel Blomqvist with a rebound.
14:44 of 1st period - Shot by Louis Belpedio.
14:44 of 1st period - Deflect By Dominik Shine.
14:44 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
15:35 of 1st period - Icing by Ben Hutton.
15:36 of 1st period - Kyle Criscuolo wins face-off versus Mark Kastelic in Barracuda zone.
16:33 of 1st period - Shot by Matt Luff.
16:33 of 1st period - Stopped by Arturs Silovs without a rebound.
16:34 of 1st period - Jimmy Huntington wins face-off versus Ryan Schmelzer in Barracuda zone.
16:40 of 1st period - Jimmy Huntington is hit by Gavin Bayreuther and loses puck.
16:58 of 1st period - Zach Aston-Reese is hit by Mark Friedman and loses puck.
17:02 of 1st period - Minor Penalty to Gavin Bayreuther for Roughing.
17:03 of 1st period - Alex Limoges wins face-off versus Oskar Olausson in Barracuda zone.
17:20 of 1st period - Shot by Cole Schwindt.
17:20 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
17:22 of 1st period - Shot by Cole Schwindt.
17:22 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
17:24 of 1st period - Shot by Christian Wolanin.
17:24 of 1st period - Shot Blocked by Louis Belpedio.
17:42 of 1st period - Shot by Arshdeep Bains.
17:42 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
18:38 of 1st period - Shot by Ryan Schmelzer.
18:38 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
18:43 of 1st period - Minor Penalty to Calen Addison for Hooking.
18:44 of 1st period - Kyle Criscuolo wins face-off versus Alex Limoges in Devils zone.
18:47 of 1st period - Shot by Mike Hardman.
18:47 of 1st period - Shot Blocked by Christian Wolanin.
18:56 of 1st period - Icing by Ben Hutton.
18:57 of 1st period - Kyle Criscuolo wins face-off versus William Lockwood in Barracuda zone.
19:04 of 1st period - Shot by Ben Hutton.
19:04 of 1st period - Shot Blocked by Connor Carrick.
19:16 of 1st period - Shot by Kevin Connauton.
19:16 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
19:18 of 1st period - Shot by Kevin Connauton.
19:18 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
19:57 of 1st period - Icing by Nicolas Petan.
19:58 of 1st period - Kyle Criscuolo wins face-off versus Cole Schwindt in Barracuda zone.
Goals for this period are 2 for Devils vs 3 for Barracuda.
Shots for this period are 7 for Devils vs 6 for Barracuda.
2nd period
0:01 of 2nd period - Mark Kastelic wins face-off versus Kyle Criscuolo in neutral zone.
0:10 of 2nd period - Shot by Sam Malinski.
0:10 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
0:18 of 2nd period - Shot by Nicolas Petan.
0:18 of 2nd period - Deflect By David Gustafsson.
0:18 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
0:20 of 2nd period - Shot by Kyle Criscuolo.
0:20 of 2nd period - Stopped by Joel Blomqvist without a rebound.
0:21 of 2nd period - Ryan Schmelzer wins face-off versus Mark Kastelic in Devils zone.
1:01 of 2nd period - Icing by Christian Wolanin.
1:02 of 2nd period - Nicolas Petan wins face-off versus Jimmy Huntington in Devils zone.
1:31 of 2nd period - Shot by Matt Martin.
1:31 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
1:46 of 2nd period - Bobby Brink is hit by Ben Hutton and loses puck.
1:50 of 2nd period - Minor Penalty to Ben Hutton for Tripping.
1:51 of 2nd period - Cole Schwindt wins face-off versus Mike Hardman in Barracuda zone.
2:00 of 2nd period - Shot by Arshdeep Bains.
2:00 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
2:11 of 2nd period - Minor Penalty to Kevin Connauton for Roughing.
2:12 of 2nd period - Mark Kastelic wins face-off versus David Gustafsson in Barracuda zone.
2:50 of 2nd period - Off-side.
2:51 of 2nd period - Ryan Schmelzer wins face-off versus Alex Limoges in neutral zone.
2:51 of 2nd period - Ryan Schmelzer is hit by Cole Schwindt.
3:17 of 2nd period - Shot by Arshdeep Bains.
3:17 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Louis Belpedio.
3:19 of 2nd period - Shot by Cole Schwindt.
3:19 of 2nd period - Stopped by Arturs Silovs without a rebound.
3:20 of 2nd period - Ryan Schmelzer wins face-off versus Mark Kastelic in Barracuda zone.
3:35 of 2nd period - Shot by Calen Addison.
3:35 of 2nd period - Stopped by Arturs Silovs without a rebound.
3:36 of 2nd period - Alex Limoges wins face-off versus David Gustafsson in Barracuda zone.
3:45 of 2nd period - Shot by Alex Limoges.
3:45 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
4:02 of 2nd period - Off-side.
4:03 of 2nd period - Jakob Pelletier wins face-off versus Mike Hardman in neutral zone.
4:27 of 2nd period - Shot by Matt Luff.
4:27 of 2nd period - Stopped by Arturs Silovs without a rebound.
4:28 of 2nd period - Mark Kastelic wins face-off versus Kyle Criscuolo in Barracuda zone.
5:46 of 2nd period - Matt Luff is hit by Sam Malinski and loses puck.
5:56 of 2nd period - Minor Penalty to Arshdeep Bains for Slashing.
5:57 of 2nd period - Ryan Schmelzer wins face-off versus Alex Limoges in Devils zone.
6:09 of 2nd period - Icing by Ben Hutton.
6:10 of 2nd period - Mark Kastelic wins face-off versus Ryan Schmelzer in Barracuda zone.
6:21 of 2nd period - Shot by Ben Hutton.
6:21 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
6:27 of 2nd period - Shot by Dominik Shine.
6:27 of 2nd period - Deflect By Mike Hardman.
6:27 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
6:44 of 2nd period - Icing by David Gustafsson.
6:45 of 2nd period - Kyle Criscuolo wins face-off versus Alex Limoges in Barracuda zone.
7:24 of 2nd period - Shot by Ben Hutton.
7:24 of 2nd period - Stopped by Joel Blomqvist with a rebound.
7:26 of 2nd period - Shot by Mike Hardman.
7:26 of 2nd period - Stopped by Joel Blomqvist with a rebound.
7:28 of 2nd period - Shot by Sam Malinski.
7:28 of 2nd period - Stopped by Joel Blomqvist without a rebound.
7:29 of 2nd period - Ryan Schmelzer wins face-off versus Adam Erne in Devils zone.
7:32 of 2nd period - Shot by Mark Friedman.
7:32 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Calen Addison.
7:34 of 2nd period - Shot by Mark Friedman.
7:34 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Calen Addison.
8:02 of 2nd period - Shot by Dominik Shine.
8:02 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
8:08 of 2nd period - Shot by Jimmy Huntington.
8:08 of 2nd period - Stopped by Arturs Silovs with a rebound.
8:10 of 2nd period - Shot by Zach Aston-Reese.
8:10 of 2nd period - Stopped by Arturs Silovs with a rebound.
8:33 of 2nd period - Oskar Olausson is hit by Jimmy Huntington and loses puck.
9:19 of 2nd period - Shot by Calen Addison.
9:19 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Louis Belpedio.
9:25 of 2nd period - Sebastian AhoD is hit by Matt Martin and loses puck.
9:40 of 2nd period - Shot by Mike Hardman.
9:40 of 2nd period - Stopped by Joel Blomqvist with a rebound.
9:42 of 2nd period - Shot by Ryan Schmelzer.
9:42 of 2nd period - Stopped by Joel Blomqvist with a rebound.
9:44 of 2nd period - Shot by Sam Malinski.
9:44 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Sebastian AhoD.
10:12 of 2nd period - Sam Malinski is hit by Arshdeep Bains and loses puck.
10:56 of 2nd period - Icing by Oskar Olausson.
10:57 of 2nd period - Kyle Criscuolo wins face-off versus Cole Schwindt in Barracuda zone.
10:57 of 2nd period - Kyle Criscuolo is hit by Adam Erne.
11:11 of 2nd period - Shot by Adam Erne.
11:11 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
11:13 of 2nd period - Shot by Matt Luff.
11:13 of 2nd period - Goal by Matt Luff - Devils : 3 - Barracuda : 3.
11:14 of 2nd period - Cole Schwindt wins face-off versus Nicolas Petan in neutral zone.
11:25 of 2nd period - Connor Carrick is hit by Matt Martin and loses puck.
11:36 of 2nd period - Shot by David Gustafsson.
11:36 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Christian Wolanin.
11:38 of 2nd period - Shot by David Gustafsson.
11:38 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Christian Wolanin.
11:40 of 2nd period - Shot by Matt Martin.
11:40 of 2nd period - Stopped by Joel Blomqvist without a rebound.
11:41 of 2nd period - Ryan Schmelzer wins face-off versus Mark Kastelic in Devils zone.
12:09 of 2nd period - Shot by Jakob Pelletier.
12:09 of 2nd period - Stopped by Arturs Silovs without a rebound.
12:10 of 2nd period - Alex Limoges wins face-off versus Nicolas Petan in Barracuda zone.
12:30 of 2nd period - Arshdeep Bains is hit by Mark Friedman and loses puck.
12:52 of 2nd period - Icing by Sebastian AhoD.
12:53 of 2nd period - Alex Limoges wins face-off versus Ryan Schmelzer in Devils zone.
12:55 of 2nd period - Icing by Bobby Brink.
12:56 of 2nd period - Alex Limoges wins face-off versus Ryan Schmelzer in Devils zone.
14:20 of 2nd period - Icing by Nick DeSimone.
14:21 of 2nd period - Nicolas Petan wins face-off versus Cole Schwindt in Devils zone.
14:22 of 2nd period - Shot by David Gustafsson.
14:22 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
14:24 of 2nd period - Shot by Matt Martin.
14:24 of 2nd period - Stopped by Joel Blomqvist without a rebound.
14:25 of 2nd period - Nicolas Petan wins face-off versus Alex Limoges in Devils zone.
14:28 of 2nd period - Shot by David Gustafsson.
14:28 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Arshdeep Bains.
14:34 of 2nd period - Shot by Arshdeep Bains.
14:34 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
14:36 of 2nd period - Shot by Sebastian AhoD.
14:36 of 2nd period - Goal by Sebastian AhoD - Devils : 4 - Barracuda : 3.
14:37 of 2nd period - Kyle Criscuolo wins face-off versus Mark Kastelic in neutral zone.
14:50 of 2nd period - Shot by Zach Aston-Reese.
14:50 of 2nd period - Deflect By Jakob Pelletier.
14:50 of 2nd period - Stopped by Arturs Silovs without a rebound.
14:51 of 2nd period - Nicolas Petan wins face-off versus Bobby Brink in Barracuda zone.
15:24 of 2nd period - Shot by Calen Addison.
15:24 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
15:26 of 2nd period - Shot by Bobby Brink.
15:26 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Matt Martin.
15:28 of 2nd period - Shot by Bobby Brink.
15:28 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Sam Malinski.
16:35 of 2nd period - Shot by Dominik Shine.
16:35 of 2nd period - Stopped by Joel Blomqvist with a rebound.
16:37 of 2nd period - Shot by Dominik Shine.
16:37 of 2nd period - Stopped by Joel Blomqvist without a rebound.
16:38 of 2nd period - Alex Limoges wins face-off versus Kyle Criscuolo in Devils zone.
17:24 of 2nd period - Icing by Nick DeSimone.
17:25 of 2nd period - Ryan Schmelzer wins face-off versus Mark Kastelic in Devils zone.
17:28 of 2nd period - Shot by Dominik Shine.
17:28 of 2nd period - Stopped by Joel Blomqvist with a rebound.
17:33 of 2nd period - Minor Penalty to Gavin Bayreuther for Slashing.
17:34 of 2nd period - Mike Hardman wins face-off versus Alex Limoges in Barracuda zone.
17:49 of 2nd period - Shot by Christian Wolanin.
17:49 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
17:51 of 2nd period - Shot by Arshdeep Bains.
17:51 of 2nd period - Shot Hit the Post.
17:53 of 2nd period - Shot by Christian Wolanin.
17:53 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
17:55 of 2nd period - Shot by Alex Limoges.
17:55 of 2nd period - Stopped by Arturs Silovs without a rebound.
17:56 of 2nd period - Mike Hardman wins face-off versus Mark Kastelic in Barracuda zone.
19:38 of 2nd period - Shot by Matt Luff.
19:38 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Mark Friedman.
19:40 of 2nd period - Shot by Kale Clague.
19:40 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Gavin Bayreuther.
19:58 of 2nd period - Shot by Jimmy Huntington.
19:58 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
Goals for this period are 2 for Devils vs 0 for Barracuda.
Shots for this period are 10 for Devils vs 11 for Barracuda.
3rd period
0:01 of 3rd period - Cole Schwindt wins face-off versus Tyler Angle in neutral zone.
0:15 of 3rd period - Icing by Sam Malinski.
0:16 of 3rd period - Tyler Angle wins face-off versus Mark Kastelic in Barracuda zone.
0:24 of 3rd period - Minor Penalty to Mark Kastelic for Delaying the game.
0:25 of 3rd period - Kyle Criscuolo wins face-off versus Cole Schwindt in Devils zone.
0:28 of 3rd period - Shot by Louis Belpedio.
0:28 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Calen Addison.
0:30 of 3rd period - Shot by Kevin Connauton.
0:30 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
3:12 of 3rd period - Icing by Sam Malinski.
3:13 of 3rd period - Bobby Brink wins face-off versus Ryan Schmelzer in Barracuda zone.
3:50 of 3rd period - Shot by Matt Martin.
3:50 of 3rd period - Stopped by Joel Blomqvist without a rebound.
3:51 of 3rd period - Kyle Criscuolo wins face-off versus Mark Kastelic in Devils zone.
4:12 of 3rd period - Zach Aston-Reese is hit by Louis Belpedio and loses puck.
4:46 of 3rd period - Icing by Nick DeSimone.
4:47 of 3rd period - Tyler Angle wins face-off versus Cole Schwindt in Devils zone.
4:52 of 3rd period - Shot by Mark Friedman.
4:52 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
5:15 of 3rd period - Minor Penalty to Arshdeep Bains for Hooking.
5:16 of 3rd period - Alex Limoges wins face-off versus Dominik Shine in Devils zone.
5:52 of 3rd period - Sam Malinski is hit by Connor Carrick and loses puck.
6:10 of 3rd period - David Gustafsson is hit by Christian Wolanin and loses puck.
6:14 of 3rd period - David Gustafsson is hit by Connor Carrick and loses puck.
6:15 of 3rd period - Minor Penalty to Connor Carrick for Slashing.
6:16 of 3rd period - Alex Limoges wins face-off versus Kyle Criscuolo in Devils zone.
6:33 of 3rd period - Shot by Sam Malinski.
6:33 of 3rd period - Stopped by Joel Blomqvist with a rebound.
6:39 of 3rd period - Shot by Kyle Criscuolo.
6:39 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
6:41 of 3rd period - Shot by Sam Malinski.
6:41 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
6:43 of 3rd period - Shot by Sam Malinski.
6:43 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Calen Addison.
6:45 of 3rd period - Shot by Nicolas Petan.
6:45 of 3rd period - Stopped by Joel Blomqvist without a rebound.
6:46 of 3rd period - Ryan Schmelzer wins face-off versus Cole Schwindt in Devils zone.
6:47 of 3rd period - Shot by Kevin Connauton.
6:47 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
6:53 of 3rd period - Shot by Louis Belpedio.
6:53 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
7:50 of 3rd period - Calen Addison is hit by David Gustafsson and loses puck.
8:14 of 3rd period - Mark Kastelic beats up Kevin Connauton.
8:14 of 3rd period - Penalty to Kevin Connauton for Fighting.
8:14 of 3rd period - Penalty to Mark Kastelic for Fighting.
8:15 of 3rd period - Ryan Schmelzer wins face-off versus Jimmy Huntington in Devils zone.
8:15 of 3rd period - Mark Friedman is hit by Connor Carrick and loses puck.
8:29 of 3rd period - Gavin Bayreuther is hit by Matt Luff and loses puck.
8:59 of 3rd period - Off-side.
9:00 of 3rd period - Jon-Randall Avon wins face-off versus Alex Limoges in neutral zone.
9:23 of 3rd period - Louis Belpedio is hit by Arshdeep Bains and loses puck.
10:00 of 3rd period - Shot by Zach Aston-Reese.
10:00 of 3rd period - Stopped by Arturs Silovs with a rebound.
10:17 of 3rd period - Icing by Mark Friedman.
10:18 of 3rd period - Nicolas Petan wins face-off versus Adam Erne in Barracuda zone.
10:52 of 3rd period - Shot by Connor Carrick.
10:52 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
11:01 of 3rd period - Ryan Schmelzer is hit by Bobby Brink and loses puck.
11:14 of 3rd period - Carsen Twarynski is hit by Arshdeep Bains and loses puck.
11:57 of 3rd period - Nicolas Petan is hit by Zach Aston-Reese and loses puck.
12:30 of 3rd period - Sam Malinski is hit by Jakob Pelletier and loses puck.
13:22 of 3rd period - Zach Aston-Reese is hit by Dominik Shine.
13:44 of 3rd period - Kevin Connauton is hit by Nathan Smith and loses puck.
13:52 of 3rd period - Tyler Angle is hit by Calen Addison.
14:47 of 3rd period - Icing by Kale Clague.
14:48 of 3rd period - Alex Limoges wins face-off versus Kyle Criscuolo in Devils zone.
15:24 of 3rd period - Minor Penalty to Mark Friedman for High sticking.
15:25 of 3rd period - Mike Hardman wins face-off versus Mark Kastelic in Barracuda zone.
15:25 of 3rd period - Mike Hardman is hit by Mark Kastelic.
15:37 of 3rd period - Shot by Christian Wolanin.
15:37 of 3rd period - Stopped by Arturs Silovs without a rebound.
15:38 of 3rd period - Mike Hardman wins face-off versus Alex Limoges in Barracuda zone.
15:57 of 3rd period - Shot by Alex Limoges.
15:57 of 3rd period - Stopped by Arturs Silovs with a rebound.
16:04 of 3rd period - Icing by Arshdeep Bains.
16:05 of 3rd period - Mike Hardman wins face-off versus Alex Limoges in Devils zone.
16:08 of 3rd period - Shot by Oskar Olausson.
16:08 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Calen Addison.
16:14 of 3rd period - Sam Malinski is hit by Arshdeep Bains and loses puck.
17:20 of 3rd period - Shot by William Lockwood.
17:20 of 3rd period - Stopped by Arturs Silovs without a rebound.
17:21 of 3rd period - Tyler Angle wins face-off versus Alex Limoges in Barracuda zone.
17:45 of 3rd period - Minor Penalty to Nick DeSimone for Hooking.
17:46 of 3rd period - Kyle Criscuolo wins face-off versus Mark Kastelic in Devils zone.
18:33 of 3rd period - Shot by Ryan Schmelzer.
18:33 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Calen Addison.
19:05 of 3rd period - Barracuda, Arturs Silovs is pulled from the net.
19:05 of 3rd period - Shot by Sam Malinski.
19:05 of 3rd period - Stopped by Joel Blomqvist without a rebound.
19:06 of 3rd period - Mark Kastelic wins face-off versus Ryan Schmelzer in Devils zone.
Goals for this period are 0 for Devils vs 0 for Barracuda.
Shots for this period are 4 for Devils vs 4 for Barracuda.
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